If you were hunting him tomorrow…

…you’d be relying on Stealth Vision.


International big game hunter, optometrist, and eye surgeon, Dr. John McCall, broke ranks with the status quo to reimagine conventional riflescope design and functionality. Among the many quality improvements he engineered, he identified canting – rifle tilt – as a critical factor in shooting errors. When the eye isn’t naturally aligned with the scope, the brain misinterprets the image, causing inaccurate shots. 

Stealth Vision’s patented digital anti-cant technology eliminates the need for external level indicators. A green light will signal that the riflescope is level, keeping the shooter’s eye in the objective lens at all times and improving accuracy at long range.


Our patented technology presents a green light when your firearm is perfectly level, indicating it’s ok to shoot.


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When you’re out in the wild, challenged by warry big game and terrain, every second counts. Hunting success comes down to one crucial element: trust in your gear. Our ultra-premium optics and 1200 Yard Rifle Systems are designed to give you unparalleled performance and reliability so that you can focus on the moment without hesitation. Because when it comes to your pursuit, confidence is more than an asset—it’s priceless.

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Stealth Vision magic happens here.

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We provide in-depth product reviews, practical usage guides, and thrilling field
demonstrations featuring hunts of elk, deer, bear, wolf, hogs and more.

Stealth Vision system shoots the same hole 3 shots 500 yards!

For when you have to make a calculated long shot…

Setting the Zero Stop with Dr. John McCall

Zeroing your rifle allows you to adjust the sights to hit a target at specific ranges. 

Ladies Shooting Long Range for The First Time

Training how to shoot over extended ranges is one of the best things you can do to hit your target with one shot.

Stealth Vision® Scope Start up and Functions with Dr.John McCall

There’s more to long-range shooting than just having a good rifle and being a sharpshooter.

From a place unseen, comes a sound unheard | Stealth Vision

Precision at any range and accuracy at long range.

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