Stealth Vision ®

1200 Yard Performance Lab School

Long Range Shooting School

This school is conducted in Crockett, Texas, the nerve center of product development and testing. But as the name implies, the range set-up does double duty for clinical learning experiences enabling guests to hit targets reliably out to 1200 yards.


Curriculum Brief

  • Rifle set-up, component care and cleaning
  • Trigger control and breathing
  • Ammo, ballistics and trajectory fundamentals
  • Sighting-in and accuracy diagnostics
  • Judging and interpreting wind effect
  • Prove-out exercises from 100 to 1200 yards


Meet the Long-Range Doctor

Stealth Vision’s optics are inspired by Dr. John McCall’s 40-plus years as an eye surgeon, 37 worldwide safaris and well over 100 domestic hunts.

Safe, certified & trusted.